Monday, October 31, 2011

How Training Shock Collars Really Work?

I had to train my chocolate lab, because he is allowed to move freely with me on my walks neighborhood. I decided to try the shock collar. I started with an inexpensive model that has a range of about 300 yards and had seven levels of sensitivity.

Literature accompanying the product, describe the shock that comes from something like static electricity. I accidentally shocked me one day and that's exactly what it is. The feeling is like you feel the static electricity you get on a cold day and dry. It is slightly uncomfortable, as you know, if you have experience of touching and receiving shocks from static electricity.

I used this to train my dog ​​to listen to me when I gave the command and made training much easier. I have since moved to a model that has 15 levels of stimulation and tone that only dogs can hear, and contain no stimulation. You can also set the sound to play when the stimulation is delivered to the stimulation of dog shock collar to anticipate when using the audio-only feature.

I have two labs and every time we go on our walks, which are free to roam, but the shock dog collars training new venture quickly if the good people and other animals approaching. Most of the time not even deliver just use stimulation and tone. In fact, just put the necklace was very effective in many cases, especially if no other hunting dogs. The dogs are well trained and now the only reason that even the use of the collar is only if the cat or a squirrel passes.

To learn more about training your dog or if you want to find a good source of dog collars shock training and advice from other courses, visit my website. It is filled with articles and tips about dogs. Links to supply PET is just left of the image Finn. Have a nice day! I am a Board Certified ophthalmologist who has been in practice for 30 years. You are invited to visit my site. If you have trouble finding what you need, please use my search on the site.