Monday, October 31, 2011

Choke Collars And Dog Training

Operating alone, the car is a tool that will transport people from one place to another. Yet in 2006, over 13,000 people died in alcohol-related driving accidents in the blood / alcohol content greater than 0.08. In 2005, the United States, an estimated 1,900 people were killed by knives or other cutting implement. Nearly 900 people were killed over the same year with his bare hands.

Many things we take for granted, has a darker side, and can cause damage, regardless of use. Baseball bats, kitchen knives, ropes, plastic bags, which have all played a role in the crime or murder. The point I am trying to do is choke collars are not cruel or malicious tools to train dogs. The problem is that too many people are ignorant, inexperienced, or simply careless in their use. Like many tools that can (and do) choke collars harm if not used correctly.

There are those who like to condemn the choke collars, and in the history books and never look back. They do not see any redeeming value of this equipment dog training collars. Although not entirely in the field, I can not fault their thinking, simply because most dog owners do not properly educate themselves before using these devices.

Make matters worse, the owners often use choke collars to punish the bad dogs and training in effectively using this tool. Worse, often the owners chose to use them in everyday collars that leads to adaptive air-conditioning. The dogs can become insensitive to the stimulus is not responding to pain, even though the actual damage is caused.

Anyway, necklaces continue doing well in the market for dog training professionals because of their apparent ease of use, simplicity and accessibility. So even if you do not support their use, I feel less important to educate consumers in the hope that at least some will invest the time to learn to use these devices properly before unintended harm their beloved pets.

First, make a good fit. Measure your dog's neck a string or tape measure and buy a collar 2-3 inches longer than the string. Measurements should be the end of a connection to a second end, has the ring of the ring.

Next, read all the documents available or consult your veterinarian to learn how to properly and use the collar. Choke collars are in a dead end and live end. To live in the head in the head, which is attached to a leash. A dead end (ring through which the chain runs) must always be top of the dog's neck. If the dog runs under the jaw, the chain can easily tighten if necessary, but not dissolved.

When training, never hold the choke. Tightening should take a fraction of a second, and the pressure must be immediately removed when the desired function has ceased. The goal is a negative stimulus following a positive incentive for appropriate behavior. Keep your dog does not choke on any training can cause serious damage, just bring your dog to exercise a natural instinct to pull off more and no doubt an abuse.

Keep a very close eye on your dog at all times. You do not want to give as much slack in the lead, your dog can build a good amount of speed should it decide to bolt after another dog. The resulting snap at the end of lead can cause real damage to your pet and your joints.

Finally, the choker is for training only. Do not leave your dog for a walk or exercise. A PET machines could get the necklace hung, causing it to detach natural reaction to such a perceived threat. This can cause your dog was strangled to death.

Finally, as I said that chokers are not necessarily cruel tools in their own right, it certainly deserves mention that there are better options. Even experienced teachers is likely to cause at least minor damage to a dog when you use a choke collar. Bruising of soft tissue is almost inevitable if the dog is particularly conscious or energy. The best thing you can do for your dog is to understand its behavior and motivation and use a psychological approach to his workout rather than to the stimulus of pain.
